When what you thought you wanted isn't what you want at all

or Dealing with misguided expectations

I never knew what I wanted to be when I grew up. 
I always had a long list of different jobs I started reciting every time any one would ask me the inevitable questions grown ups ask kids "what do you want to be when you grow up?"

My list of jobs included many unrelated things such as becoming a hairdresser, a dolphin trainer or a ballerina. 

I read somewhere that grown ups ask this questions in the hopes of discovering a great answer for themselves. I used to tell this as a joke, but not anymore... 

When it was time to choose what to study in college, I remember feeling torn between studying Journalism or Psychology and ended up deciding to go with the first choice, just because it was the option I had been contemplating for longer.

At the end of my first year of college, I decided to do an internship in a newspaper, so that I could try out the reality of being a journalist in a national newspaper. After my month long experience had ended, with quite a few published articles, I was convinced I didn't need to spend 4 more years studying to become a journalist, as I could already do the job. 
I started focusing on the other areas my course provided and so began my Passion Hopping.

I felt the pressure to find a Passion. 
I would convince myself I had found it. 
I would try it out for a couple of months. 
I would get the "this isn't it" feeling. 
I would hop into the next Passion. 

This was the driving force that designed my professional path.

I always felt quite ill adjusted for this, but have recently discovered I'm not the only one "suffering" from this condition. What shocked me the most was finding people at the beginning of their careers also feeling this way: like the idea you had of a certain job isn't the reality of it, or better still, the way you thought you would feel being an architect, for example, isn't the way you feel now that you are one. 
There's something missing.

For this issue, I don't have any answers I have only questions:

- is this true of every professional life? Those people who feel they have found their calling and jump out of bed excited to go to work each day, do they experience these frustrations occasionally? 

- is this frustration a sign that you should change career paths or just a normal feeling that should be ignored?

The 7 deadly sins of professional photos

Photographs are everywhere and are frequently used as expression of our personal and professional brand.

There are a couple of rules that should be kept in mind when choosing a photo for your CV or for your Linkedin profile...

Get rid of self doubt once and for all

This time of resolutions and new plans to start the year, it's the right time to talk about that sneaky little devil that comes to ruin the party.

Around mid January, after all the natural excitement new plans bring wears off, and after our body's done processing all the sugar we have consumed during Christmas time, slowly but surely, self-doubt starts to creep in.

Lights, camera, Action!

After a gigantic cold and not yet completely recovered, I come here to share my new year's resolutions.
It has been decided, between myself and the gods, that 2015 will be the Action Year.

A different kind of Christmas Tree...

I l-o-v-e Christmas.

I know it's fashionable to not care about it, but I am openly outdated.

However, against all expectations, this year I wasn't looking forward to putting up the Christmas tree as is usual around here (also usual around here is a hot pink Christmas tree...).
Thank you to these gentlemen for the photo

How to build a personal brand: part 2

Building a personal brand is quite simple, although not easy.

First of all, as any good salesperson must know their product, we must be able to answer the question: Who am I?

The second step is about defining who you want to be, as this is also part of who you are.
You must find the answer to the question: What do you want to be when you grow up?
photo credit: Eneas via photopin cc

How to keep your new year's resolutions until March (at least...)

In the Christmas/New Year's time, it's normal to start planning for the 365 new days ahead.

It's curious how every human mind works (almost) in the exact same way:
  • big life "changes" must start in January;
  • diets have to start on a Monday.

I'm a big fan of new year's resolutions. I usually have them every month.
The problem is that the resolutions I make in January very rarely reach the following month.
In 2014, against all odds, there were two resolutions I was able to maintain throughout the whole year.
photo credit: eccampbell via photopin cc